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"My periods are late" are the words you'll never want to hear from your girlfriend before she gets married. Yes, even "I don't love you anymore" is a lullaby compared to it.

The Thoughts of Mia Khalifa in mind gets replaced by the thoughts of family, career, abortion....WAIT! abortion..? What if she is actually pregnant! What if we actually need to have an abortion!
Google is put to work, anything related to the situation is read...wishing, the things could auto-correct themselves.

What if she says NO to the abortion??

Some women may be careless with their birth control .While most get persuaded by the words "trust me, nothing wrong will happen." And of course, the only time teenagers of our age trust 33 Crore Indian Gods is during exams and after unprotected sex.

For most couples trying to conceive, the odds that a woman will become pregnant in any particular month are about 15% to 25%. But there are some caveats, and different things can effect your chances of getting pregnant.

Again, bad times are like opportunities...they don't come knocking on the door. I remember watching this french movie, Kids (1995) recently. This girl Ruby wants to get a sex examination and just so she doesn't feel awkward, she asks her friend Jennie to get an examination with her. Now, Ruby has had sex 9 times, 4 of which was unprotected and Jennie had tried sex just once.
Ya, you people are smart.. you have made out that Jennie was found HIV Positive and Ruby was healthy...and this shit won't happen with you as you are careful for MOST of the times.
Believe me when I say that it takes just one silly mistake, that one "chod na yaar" thought instigated by your horny hormones, that too on your very lucky day to set you up for the rest of your life.

I apologize to the ladies out there for starting this with a very anti-feminist perspective.

I'm a big proponent for abortion rights, but this is 100% female territory. I don't believe a man can ever comprehend the situation or the pain. And when it comes to the method, I think the less said, the better.
So, don't allow yourself to be in such a situation where you are in a dilemma. Put your years of expertise of trying to be in control and Be in charge when the situation demands.

The quote by Ronald Reagan helps me say it all..
“I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” 
                                                                                                      ― Ronald Reagan

The little boy was confused. He looked at the idol in the temple. ‘A God?’ he wondered. It was Fat and quite Huge. Head of an elephant with body of a human. Mommy had told him God was beautiful. He was not sure now.
He turned to walk away. A laddoo rolled out of a plate. Smiling, he picked it up and gulped it whole.

Indeed God was beautiful.

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