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Lizardy Morning!!

By  Unknown     11:21    Labels: 
Freaky morning! Sweet memories!

I was so so scared this morning when this creepy lizard fell on my shoulder...i screamed, I dropped my glass of milk, made a scene...i am sure I even scared the shit out of that tiny lizard... N truly I am still freaked out n breathing hard! This was too gross n creepy n scary...n not something I can take!!
But the very next moment a sweet old memory popped up..a similar incident happened when I was around 6yrs old...i had been equally freaked out if not more... Then my superhero came to my rescue!! My dad!! He consoled me that there is an old 'kahaawat' that if a lizard falls on u, u get money!! Well, the whole idea was quite intimidating!! So I waited for my lottery!! In the evening same day my dad handed me 10bucks saying "see sweetie! Didn't I tell u, u will get money today"...I was so so happy...n merrily munched on a five-star bar!! N trust me from then on for a few years everytime i looked at a lizard i used to say "c'mon u dirty lizzie! I am not scared of u! Fall on me n make me rich!!" :D

Well now my superhero is no more with me...n now I have grown up... No more can I let him know that i get scared of such a small thing n that I still need him... Its a role reversal now...i have to be his super girl..

N also now my superhero is my boyfriend...its him i share my difficulties with...its he who helps me out... But then what about these little conquers of scary lizards n demons under the bed!! Hell no!! I cant even let him know thinking he might consider me an idiot!! Too embarrassing!!!

So at my own rescue now...but hell I so so much need someone right now... No, not for money...but for embrace...for love... That's my lottery!!! I miss u dad!! I miss being that little frocky girl giggling on ur lap...I miss being rescued by u...

We girls are our dad's princess...but in the hunt of trying to find our Prince Charming, we tend to ignore the Old Man... But it will never be the same... We can have the best of best boyfriend...but one superhero can never replace the other!!

No boyfriend, no one can ever make u feel like ur Old Prince did!! No one can make u feel like a princess as he did!! Wear that diamond ring ur fiance proposed u with, but don't forget ur diamond-hearted father!!

About Unknown

* Engineers with an imagination to forgo the ethical thoughts of society and who view life prismatically.
* Unabashed to express sarcasm and in-your-face realism.
* Young and prolific but wink-eyed spectators of life.

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