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Homemade Facial Peel For Soft Glowing Skin

By  Unknown     15:30    Labels: 

Try out these facial peels for soft glowing skin this winter with the easily available kitchen items. Home-made glycolic peel recipes, which are as good as the chemical ones and are much safer.

Homemade Peels

Fruits such as pineapple and papaya work well in at-home preparations, due to their natural enzymes and high sugar content. Strawberry and lemon juices, naturally highly acidic, are favorite add-ons to at-home peels. The most important ingredient is the cane sugar. Caster sugar (finely milled sugar) will produce results closest to those at the dermatologist’s. A superfine grind, caster sugar will dissolve better than regular cane sugar, penetrating skin cells more easily.
cane sugar glycolic peel
At home, you can experiment with mixtures of these ingredients or try a recipe listed below. Add 2 tsp. of caster sugar to any recipe for enhanced glycolic action.
Natural Skincare Recipes for Facial Peels

Skin Firming Peel

unflavored gelatin
• 1 packet unflavored gelatin
• Juice of 1 lemon and 1 orange
• Heat together gently to dissolve the gelatin then let cool slightly
The gelatin has a softening effect on the skin and as it dries will help firm and tone while the lemon and orange juice will exfoliate, stimulate and diminish hyperpigmentation.

Gentle Fruit Peel

fruit peel
• 1 cup fresh pineapple
• 1/2 cup fresh papaya
• 1 tablespoon honey
• Puree fruit together then add the honey and mix into a smooth paste
Pineapple and papaya contain natural enzymes and alpha-hydroxy acids that remove dead skin cells while the honey moisturizes the skin.

Anti-Wrinkle Peel

egg peel
• 1/4 cucumber, peeled and seeded
• 1 egg white
• 1 teaspoon lemon juice
• Puree ingredients together until mixed well
The cucumber diminishes hyperpigmentation, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles, the egg white firms and tightens, and the lemon juice exfoliates.

PH Restorative Peel

tomato peel
• 1 tomato, pulp only
• package unflavored gelatin
• 1 tablespoon orange juice
• Gently heat ingredients to dissolve gelatin, then puree until smooth
The tomato helps to restore the natural PH of the skin and is an excellent natural remedy for the treatment of blemishes. The gelatin helps to firm and
tone the skin while the orange juice exfoliates.

Skin Revitalizing Peel

honey peel
• 1 egg yolk
• 1 tsp honey
• 1/8 cup fresh citrus (lemon, orange or lime) juice
• 1 packet plain gelatin
• Mix together thoroughly
The egg yolk moisturizes and firms, the honey moisturizes and the citrus juice exfoliates the dead skin cells away, stimulating new cell production.

Hydrating and Moisturizing Peel

avocado peel
• 1/4 mashed avocado
• 1 teaspoon honey
• 1 egg white- beat until stiff
• Mix into a smooth paste
The egg white firms while the avocado reduces hyperpigmentation, moisturizes, and its’ healing properties diminish scars.

About Unknown

* Engineers with an imagination to forgo the ethical thoughts of society and who view life prismatically.
* Unabashed to express sarcasm and in-your-face realism.
* Young and prolific but wink-eyed spectators of life.

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