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Every Girl is a PRINCESS!!

By  Unknown     18:34    Labels: 
I am young and I simply love every bit of this experience…that sweet blissfulness, the combo of little innocence and little maturity, the slow transition from dependence to independence… Have u ever seen those little birds taking their first flight…of course they fall, get hurt, try quite a few times before they fly out proud with their first successful sail in that gigantic sky.. We girls are like that…taking one step at a time…some things, we are taught and some, we learn on our own… There is a different magic in all that we do…probably hard for others to understand but too irresistible for us to withhold… Our spending on endless clothes and shoes, the hours we spend in front of the mirror trying to figure out what to wear but still being clueless about it, we might have thousands of clothes still we think “I have nothing to wear”, the torturous pain of stilettos are cool but a single pimple on our face is far far more freaky than 102degree fever, the secret crushes we have on Ranbir Kapoor is more serious a topic than the price rise of petrol, the cute boy next door we can’t sum up the courage to talk to, the planning of secret anniversary parties for our parents, making faces for conning out money from mom to catch up the latest movie, making the perfect coffee for dad is equivalent to winning the battle of panipat!! J


Yes at times we are difficult to deal with…too much ‘nakhre’, too many demands… We are crackpots once a month with the menses. We are drama queens. But...we also love without limits...  Mom, if u cry, we cry with you. Dad, if u are hurt, it pains us more. Brothers and sisters, to us you are the best buddies we fight and laugh with. Boyfriend, we do everything it takes to make you feel like a superstar (even if u aren’t).

We might be annoying but cutely annoying, we might be dumb but sweetly dumb, we might cry over small little things but we also love and care with all our heart. That’s how we are…flowers...tend us like a gardener and we bloom happily giving you a treat of beauty…

Being a girl is hell difficult but also it is the most awesome experience ever!!! J

About Unknown

* Engineers with an imagination to forgo the ethical thoughts of society and who view life prismatically.
* Unabashed to express sarcasm and in-your-face realism.
* Young and prolific but wink-eyed spectators of life.

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